AVC-AV-64 Series Professional Matrix Switcher - AV Series
Product DetailsRS232 protocol controlCan be standby for 24 hours, with on-site switching memory pr..
$0,00 Vergiler Hariç: $0,00
AVC-AV-8 Series Professional Matrix Switcher - AV Series
Product Details RS232 protocol controlCan be standby for 24 hours, with on-site switching mem..
$0,00 Vergiler Hariç: $0,00
AVC-C3101, Conference Console (Konferans Konsolu)
C3101, Conference Console DescriptionAVCIT C3101 is a high performance..
$1.400,00 Vergiler Hariç: $1.400,00
AVC-C3102 Conference Console with Simultaneous Interpretation feature (Simultane Tercüme özellikli Konferans Konsolu)
C3102, Simultaneous Interpreting ConsoleFeatures Connect up to 36 sets of translation unit and ..
$1.100,00 Vergiler Hariç: $1.100,00
AVC-Central Control System - 8 Channel Power Control Relay (8 Kanallı Güç Kontrol Rölesi)
8 Channel Power Control RelayDescription AVC-P8N is power controllers with 8 isolated channels ..
$0,00 Vergiler Hariç: $0,00
AVC-Central Control System - Wall Keypad (Merkezi Kontrol Sistemi-Duvar Tuş Takımı)
RF Wall Keypad WPSIIDescription CRV-WPS is wall panel ..
$0,00 Vergiler Hariç: $0,00
AVC-Command & Control Centre Solution by IP Based KVM System (IP Tabanlı KVM Sistemi ile Komuta ve Kontrol Merkezi Çözümü)
How AVCIT’s IP Based KVM worksAll video source and display(whatever LED/DLP/LCD video wall, or stan..
$0,00 Vergiler Hariç: $0,00
AVC-Conference Camera / ATC02CD-B
Konferans Kamerası / ATC02CD-B Fonksiyonel yüksek performanslı dijital DSP tasarımı, performan..
$1.600,00 Vergiler Hariç: $1.600,00
AVC-CPLM-Pro AV central controller for wired/RF touch panel
Programmable central controller, CPLM-PRODescriptionCPLM-PRO central controller&..
$0,00 Vergiler Hariç: $0,00
AVC-CPLRF, RF Receiver (RF Alıcısı)
AVC-CPLRF, RF Receiver Feature With AVCIT net port, and one&..
$0,00 Vergiler Hariç: $0,00
AVC-DSII-DD (DVI Transceiver Node)
DSII, bir KVM sistemine takılabilen, yalnızca video duvarına veya bağımsız monitöre bağlanabilen, DS..
$0,00 Vergiler Hariç: $0,00
AVC-DSII-HH (HDMI Transceiver Node)
DSII, bir KVM sistemine takılabilen, yalnızca video duvarına veya bağımsız monitöre bağlanabilen, DS..
$0,00 Vergiler Hariç: $0,00
AVC-DSIII-DD (KVM DVI Transciever Node)
DSII, bir KVM sistemine takılabilen, yalnızca video duvarına veya bağımsız monitöre bağlanabilen, DS..
$0,00 Vergiler Hariç: $0,00
System Scheme for Control RoomIP Based KVM System > DSIII-KVM NodeInterface of KVM Node is ..
$0,00 Vergiler Hariç: $0,00
System Scheme for Control RoomIP Based KVM System > DSIII-KVM NodeInterface of KVM Node is ..
$0,00 Vergiler Hariç: $0,00